Monday, January 14, 2013

Dear Big Data Students,
First...Thanks to everyone for helping establish a collegial, inviting and thoughtful classroom environment. Your willingness to critically engage with and talk about topics from the presentations  suggests that we'll have a great opportunity to learn about big data, while having fun in the process.

With a large section of 55+ intellectually adept INSY students, we will rarely (if ever) have enough time to adequately address all topics and questions. Thankfully, you now have a digital space for such intellectual endeavors. The guidelines for using the blog are highlighted in both the Syllabus and in the lecture materials for the first two classes. In addition, please feel free to use the blog to:
  1. elaborate upon an idea from in-class discussion; or  
  2. engage in another mode of critical reflection.
From the Dashboard, all you need to do is click “New Post”.

If questions or suggestions arise, please don’t hesitate to contact me. Don't forget, this blog is made available on the web to educate not only your INSY 4970 colleagues, but also to share your thoughts, reflections, tutorials and Big Data-related news to the rest of the world. Essentially, this is our space for showcasing the skills of ENG students at Auburn University in making sense of Big Data and using the knowledge captured to tackle large-scale engineering problems.

For the time being, please familiarize yourself with the Big Data Discussion blog. Whenever you are ready, feel free to compose an engaging and critically reflective post pertaining to big data analytics. 

Let the digital critical engagement begin...

War Eagle!!
Fadel Megahed

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