Friday, March 8, 2013

"Hybrid Hierarchical Clustering"

Hybrid Hierarchical Clustering
   Lately in class we have been studying a technique to draw inferences on data called Clustering in which we try to understand various data points’ relationships to one another by assigning them into groups or clusters, usually based on Euclidean distances apart from one another. It’s underlying purpose is to try to help represent data points which are similar and cluster those points while separating clusters from other clusters that are not similar. In class, we discussed two methods for clustering. They were Agglomerative and Division.
Agglomerative means bottom up clustering wherein one would start with an individual point and then gradually accumulate the next nearest point to form a cluster over and over until there are no points close enough to qualify to be included in the cluster. It Kind of makes me imagine a small alien blob swallowing up other small close by alien blobs until it becomes a much bigger alien blob.  This method is particularly good at finding smaller clusters. Typically, bottom up clustering works well when a large number of clusters are required.
The division method is essentially opposite of Agglomerative in approach. It starts with A very large set of points, and gradually divides them by recursively splitting them. This method is good for finding large clusters. The division method works well when a small number of clusters is required.
Alright, now on to what this blog post is really about. I felt like that review was necessary because the actually subject of this blog pertains to a hybrid clustering method based on these two distinct techniques being combined, in a way. Its purpose is to combine the strengths of both methods. This hybrid clustering method is based on the concept of “The mutual cluster.”
 Essentially, a mutual cluster is a group of points that are close enough to each other and far apart from one another that they shouldn’t be separated. Mutual clusters are still essential formed based on the distance of one point to another point. The criteria to form a mutual cluster is given like this. "The largest distance between any two points within the mutual cluster must be smaller than the distance between any points within the mutual cluster to a point that is not in the mutual cluster. In that sense, an entire data set is actually a mutual cluster."
 If you look at the illustration of a mutual cluster from the article below, you will see that we have the points 1,2, and 3. The greatest distance between these points is the distance between one and three. The circles in this illustration show that distance 360 degrees around each point. If no points fall within these circles, than {1,2,3} would be a mutual cluster. Say however, a new point 9  fell very close to 1, then {1,2,3} would cease to be considered a mutual cluster. However, it is possible that the new point 9 could fall into a position such that the cluster would become {1,2,3,9}.

That is the understanding I have drawn on mutual clusters from the article. Now I will go into detail as to how a mutual cluster assists in a “hybrid” method.
This illustration shows the clustering 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> outcomes of the three different techniques. The polygons are being used to indicate the “nested clusters” which is just essentially a cluster within a cluster. Note that all three methods have clustered in different ways. How do you know which one is “most right?” I’m actually asking that as a question. Perhaps someone could elaborate on that with a comment on this post. I would think it would depend on what kind of question a person might be asking about the data, or maybe what the data actually represents or its format or the number of clusters intended to be created.

 To finish off this post, I will describe, as best as I can understand from the article, the procedure of the hybrid method and the strengths and weaknesses of this method. The procedure for this method is as follows:
The first step is that the mutual clusters are to be computed by the criterion I described earlier in the post. The second step is to the “constrained” top down method. It uses the word “constrained” because it is not allowed to break up the mutual clusters. Top down methods tend to like to split things up, like divorce lawyers. The third step of this method must be performed after the top down procedure in step two has been completed. The third step involves performing a top down clustering inside each of the little mutual clusters.
My idea I have gotten about this after 2 hours of lulling over the incredibly complicated looking math lingo in the article is this. Mutual clusters are like giving ‘protective shells’ to certain groups of data points early on so that the top down method cannot break them up. That is my ‘laymen terms’ explanation of this to myself. Perhaps someone else has a better way of thinking of it?
The article goes over verious simulation experiments to evaluate the effectiveness of the method over a variety of different data situations and validate its usefulness. I am going to skip over that and allow anyone who is interested to read that.
The paper concludes by discussing the strengths and weaknesses of using the method. One strength is that the mutual clusters are very intuitive when deciding what points should be included. But the weakness in the hybrid method is that sometimes the proximity circles around the data points of mutual clusters is just a hair short enough to not include other data points that are actually still pretty close to the cluster. That at least, is what I gather in my mind from the article. I found it interesting.
The authors of the Article I did my post on are Hugh Chipman and Robert Tibshirani. This paper can be found at this link.

1 comment:

  1. Wade,

    Thank you for making this post and sharing this reference. I believe this is very useful to many people.

