Monday, February 25, 2013

MLB Team Statistics Visualization Project

Visualization Project

Jason Buckner, Sam Green, Chris Shaw, & Justin Willette

The Distance Learning Team 1 created a Motion Chart within Google Docs with MLB team hitting statistics from 1913 – 2012. The data for this project was retrieved from this MLB website. The Hypothesis behind this visualization project was to verify graphically the increase of home runs during the steroid era. The team also wanted to show how the philosophy of the teams has changed throughout the years. Using the Motion Chart, you can see how teams changed and started playing “small ball” which is indicated by more stolen bases. The influence of HR and SB can be seen by setting up the Motion Chart with HR on the y-axis, AVG on the x-axis, and SB shown by the size of the bubble. 

1 comment:

  1. Hello everyone,

    This is very insightful. I believe the second video did provide quick overview of the effect of the steroid era (or certain players with inflated HRs) on team performance. I believe you can probably think of ways to extend this discussion to develop (Grantland, Espn's Bill Simmons website, type) analysis that can be very helpful to baseball fans.

    I would highly encourage you to consider looking into this in more detail either as a material for future blog posts or to try to get a conference paper out of it and/or develop material that may complement your fantasy baseball project.

    Overall, great second video and very interesting work.

