Tuesday, April 2, 2013

"Google facing fines in EVERY EU country as Information Commissioner launches probe into search giant's privacy policy"

I found this article online @ Dailymail.co.uk -->  It looks like a really interesting article and even discusses some of the topics mentioned today in class. Take a quick read and let me know what you think in the comment box.


1 comment:

  1. This article reminds me of the fact that when your at the top, every body will be gunning for you. There is a trade off when a person decides to become a user of Google products and services. For those who did HW #4 it is clear that the model for search engines has always been linked to marketing. As a user you get free access to the services that Google offers in return for Google's ability to show you advertisements. They sale the advertiser space based on information they collect from you as a user. The better they understand their users, the more they can sale advertising for. People take it for granted when they go to YouTube and watch videos for free, but hosting a site like YouTube or Google is expensive. They must have a way to profit from hosting sites. If you don't want Google to be taking and storing your information, then it is your choice to not use Google.

    The other thing that I will include is the fact that large companies like Google look at things through the eyes of cost benefit analysis. If they are fined hundreds of thousands of dollars and make billions then there going to do it.
